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Daily Prayer

August 13, 2021 A daily prayer from the New England Conference The clergy and laity of the New England Conference are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week. You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions. Today's Prayer Lay aside immaturity, and live, and walk in the way of insight. ~ Proverbs 9:6, NRSV Divine Wisdom, Your voice echoes down through the ages since the beginning of time. You speak in the stillness, in the whirlwind, in the chaos, in the silence. You speak. You speak to us. You speak to us today. Help us listen, listen, and listen again. Spirit of Life, help us to lay aside immaturity: …. by shedding the patterned ways of thinking that prevent us from hearing Your voice of wisdom; …. by becoming aware of self-centeredness that comes from our dominant identities in the world; …. by embracing spiritual practices and discipline that open mind, heart and soul to the kin-dom among us. Enemy of Apathy, help us to live: …. with compassion for all who suffer …. with vision to comprehend Your justice …. with courage to speak Your truth and choose good. Wisdom of God, Sophia, show us how to walk in the way of insight …. Inviting all to Your table, nourishing with Your living water, feeding with Your living bread, You strengthen us for just such a time as this. Remind us again that you need us to be spiritually prepared and empowered, to turn from our foolish and ignorant ways and go ever deeper, walking with You in the way of insight. Holy Word. You speak. You speak to us. You speak to us today. Help us listen, listen, and listen again. Amen. **special thanks to Joyce Rupp’s book Prayers to Sophia, (Sophia is the Greek word used for Wisdom in the Proverbs reading); and to John Bell and Graham Maule of the Iona Community for their song Enemy of Apathy for additional inspiration in this prayer. Rev. Virg Fryer, Bow Mills United Methodist Church, NH; Granite District

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