April 5, 2022
A daily prayer from the New England Conference
Members of the New England Conference Extended Cabinet are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week.
You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.
Today's Prayer
Holy One,
You understand our wanting to have uncertainties tied down, safe and secure.
We like things to turn out the way we plan.
Yet, all around us we see little certainty: waves of pandemic, unthinkable military invasion, killing of the innocent, disagreement over truth, sickness, memories in conflict, and chaos sown for money and career – even in your name, and … in our own circumstances.
Sometimes your plans for us seem to make comedy of our plans for you. Too often, it feels like the only certainty is … uncertainty.
We strive to understand the parade before us. The Lord parading into this chaos… on a donkey.
We strive to understand why the Lord needs each of us to mount up and join the parade of love.
Forgive us when we think we are too old, too young, too small, too large, too much on the inside, too much on the outside, or even … too ordinary … to be needed and used by you.
In this season, in all the uncertainties of our lives, be with us.
On this very day, help each of us to offer our gifts and talents in some way – small or large – to share the certainty of your blessed assurance, the certainty of your love.
In our parade this season, we pray to move deeper through the joy, apprehension, passion and despondence – to move forward in faith when it doesn’t look like either the parade or destination we imagined.
In the uncertainty ahead, we your people, will trust in the certainty of your love and be a living testimony to resurrection.
Amen. By Rev. Ted Crass, President, The United Methodist Foundation of New England Inspiration: Luke 19.28-40