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A Daily Devotion for Wednesday, April 28

Romans 2: 6-11

verse 6: God “will give to each person according to what he has done.”

This passage is kind of rough for me, mostly because of the implicit promise of being rewarded for “good acts”. Maybe Paul is not saying we are rewarded for how many good things we do, rather we are rewarded for making good choices and avoiding the pitfalls of “following evil”. Luckily for us, God forgives us when we make mistakes. When I make a bad choice, I need to recognize it, try to fix it, and ask forgiveness.

Holy Lord, you have assured us we are all welcome in your family- every one of us. We need your help, your guidance, your wisdom, and then often your forgiveness. Help me to steer clear of sin. Please God, forgive me when I don’t. Amen

Becky, transforming

pic by Kay

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Romans 2:6-11 God will judge everyone according to his deeds (2:6). Those who do good will attain eternal life (2:7). Those who do evil will incur wrath (2:8). Those who do evil will suffer much tribulation (2:9). Those who do good will receive glory (2:10). God will judge everyone impartially (2:11). We know that God is just and that he punishes sin. Therefore, when we suffer no immediate punishment for our behavior, we think that God approves of us and will not punish. We do not realize that in his kindness and patience he is giving us time to repent. Those who increase their sin also increase their punishment, because God judges people according to what we do. We d…


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Romans 2: 6-11

6 God “will repay each person according to what they have done.”

11 For God does not show favoritism.

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Dearest Lord,…


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