I Chronicles 16:34
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever.
This is the kernel of it all. What am I thankful for? I am thankful for God’s love. All I have been given, all I will receive, is from God. All I will experience and all I will ever be able to give to others, is due to God’s love. All the good that has ever been done and ever will be done is from God’s love.
God above, you are the source of all good things. I am thankful. Amen
Becky, transforming
1 Chronicles 16:34 This verse gives us the most important reason for giving thanks. It gives us the Why. Why? Because God is so good and he loves us so much and that love is always there and never goes away. This verse offer so much comfort Prayer: gracious God thank you for these encouraging words. May I never forget them. Amen
1 Chronicles 16: 34 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.
We should always give thanks to God no matter what is happening around us. Focusing on God’s goodness and love will keep us centered. God’s love endures forever. Human love can change over time and let us down or turn against us, but God’s love is everlasting. God gave us his Son Jesus Christ while we were still sinners and Jesus died on the cross for us. No one can take God’s love away from us, it endures forever.
Dearest Lord, thank you for your everlasting love. I really don’t deserve it, but you shower it upon me every day. Thank you for…
1 chronicles 16:34 ( March 22; 2022)
Give Thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.
this expresses deep gratitude to a god who never fails to fulfill his promise. God’s love truly does endure forever. God’s love is different from the love we humans possess. God’s love is not based on what we do. His love is known as agape love. Agape love refers to an unconditional love. Nothing I could do would ever cause God to love me less. The unconditional love that God has endures forever.
Lord, thank you for your promises, your forgiveness I know how blessed I am that you are my God today, tomorrow and