John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Jesus had been trying to reassure the disciples that although they would be sad, they would later rejoice. In Christ we can all have hope for a better day and a better place to come. But sometimes just hoping for and waiting on the future doesn’t bring much comfort. Jesus wanted the disciples to have peace in this world, and he gave them ways to find peace in Him. We can find this peace here and now in Christ while we wait for our time with Him in eternity. Just knowing that Christ walks with us can help us to endure.
Holy Lord, thank you for Jesus, who continues to teach me day after day, year after year. Amen
Becky, transforming
John 16:33
As I navigate this crazy earthly world, I am reminded and comforted that God is with me always and will see me through my troubles. It has been proven to me personally over and over again.
Dear God, thank you for your presence and comfort during my times of trouble and for seeing me through it all. Amen.
John 16:33
This is an important reminder from Jesus that he is always with us through all things--good and bad. We have the lessons he taught us, the hope for an eternal future, and the Holy Spirit. He left us with everything we need to endure those difficult times.
Prayer: Gracious God, you offer me peace with you during difficult times. May I remember this and call on you for strength. AMEN
Tuesday, January 21th, 2025
John 16:33
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.
This is a powerful reminder that even when facing significant challenges and difficulties in life, we can find peace and strength knowing that Jesus has already conquered the world's evils, and he is with us through our own struggles. It is very difficult in our world today,to remember Jesus has already overcome the hardships we might face.
Jesus’s victory over the world does not physically remove us from difficulties and we will face the same hatred Jesus did. I have to remember that Jesus has…
John 16:33
Peace, hope and endurance are all intertwined in the worldview of the followers of Christ. If there were no bright hope for tomorrow, peace is unobtainable and endurance would be fruitless or even impossible. How would I have heard Jesus if I were one of His disciples, aware of and watching the vice of rejection and betrayal tightening around Him? Their first instinct was to flee, but eventually empowered by the Holy Spirit, they carried the mission forward. It is that link with the Holy Spirit that I need in abundance to provide the hope, peace and endurance I sometimes lack.
Prayer - Prince of peace, help me remember all You provide in the gift of the Holy…