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A Daily Devotion for Tuesday, February 28

Psalm 127:2

In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat-- for he grants sleep to those he loves.

To me, this Psalm is a reminder that God is behind all of our work, and is the one who provides true rest. We can't live in this world without doing the work of surviving. But we also need rest, and when we are resting in God's love and protection, we will truly be restored.

Father God, grant me rest when I sleep, and when I sit quietly with you. Help me to turn to you for rest, and not forget. Amen

Becky, transforming

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Rosalind Spiller
Rosalind Spiller
Feb 28, 2023

Psalm 127:2

Sometimes it is need and sometimes it is greed. There are those that need to work very hard, long hours to feed their families. That is not what this verse is all about. Sometimes overworking means you don’t trust God to provide. You don’t leave time for your spiritual needs and to provide his peace and rest. This is often a delicate balance for people in this culture of work, work, work.

Prayer: gracious God, help people to maintain that life balance that allows for both work and rest. Amen


Feb 28, 2023

Psalm 127: 2

Sleep is a gift from the Lord. It is through sleep that God continues to give us the grace to go forward the next day. Sleep provides us with many benefits to both body and soul. Without this nightly rest we are weary the next day. God bestows His grace on us even when we are sleeping.

Dearest Lord, thank you for the benefits of a good night’s sleep, for the work You have given me to do during my time on earth. Without you I can do nothing. Provide me with the grace to go to you first with my personal problems instead of attempting to sort things out on my own. It is you that…


Feb 28, 2023

Psalm 127:2 In this season of my life I neither rise early nor stay up late if I can avoid it. Restful sleep is truly a gift from God and I give thanks for it. I believe it does make the days in which I have to do one or the other more productive and this is somehow pleasing to God. As Paul writes in Ephesians, we should serve wholeheartedly as if serving the Lord, not men. Rest allows this to occur naturally.

Prayer - Gracious God, thank You for the blessing of restorative sleep. Let it be my refueling stop for a day of service. Amen


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