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A Daily Devotion for Thursday, January 13

Writer's picture: ontrakkontrakk

Romans 8:18

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

This is a statement which I wholeheartedly accept and believe to be true. But having said that, there is a wrong time to share this scripture with others. When our friends or family are suffering, it is not usually helpful to remind them their sufferings are “not worth comparing.” But it is a verse which can provide great peace and comfort, I think, when it comes to one along with the Holy Spirit.

Father God, you are our assurance, our hope, and our eternity. Thank you for reminding us of this, and for providing your Spirit to dwell within us. Amen

Becky, transforming



Rosalind Spiller
Rosalind Spiller
Jan 13, 2022

Romans 8:18 This is a very personal message from Paul. It is one we need to remember during the difficult times of our lives. Often when we are at our lowest, there is little that can help. Yet this one line can be remembered and maybe help us to see the future offered to us by Jesus suffering and death. Prayer: gracious God may I keep this verse in my heart’s memory. Amen


Jan 13, 2022

Romans 8: 18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

I realize that in this world we will have trouble. Yet, I feel that no suffering or challenge that I have in my life is random. Jesus told us in John 16: 33, that there would be trouble in our lives. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” This is the way we share in Christ’s suffering in order to have life everlasting.

Dearest Lord, you send challenges my way in order to remind me of…


Jan 13, 2022

Romans 8:18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

I think Paul is talking about his own sufferings here, not a group of followers. As Becky said today, these are comforting words when we come across them ourselves during a period of suffering, but not something you can use to comfort someone else. We can endure a great deal of suffering if we truly believe there will be a better tomorrow.

Dear Lord thank you for the promise of eternal life to get us through our sorrow. Amen.


Jan 13, 2022

Romans 8:18

”Our present sufferings” can have a host of meanings and infinite degrees of severity. When we encounter those thin places in this life where heaven and earth come in close contact, we get glimpses of the glory that will be revealed in the next life. If we are attentive and open to the Holy Spirit, these moments give us the hope we need in times of sorrow.

Prayer - Lord, God; our present sufferings crowd our thoughts and can keep us in bondage. Remind us each day, through Your presence in our lives and the lives of our fellow believers that the very best is yet to come. Amen



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