John 1:17
”For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.”
These words from John the Baptist seem packed with meaning. To me, they are another reminder to “be like Jesus.” We know right from wrong- we have the commandments. But do we know how to live? Jesus brought with him the truth that is in love. Jesus taught us that love for God and for others should rule our every waking moment. This is the truth I am living today.
Father God, you have heard my prayers of repentance. Help me today to begin again, full of love for others. Help me to be generous and kind. Help me to love. Amen
Becky, transforming
I am always amazed at the prophesies of the Old Testament. Go gave Moses the words of wisdom that he needed to use as he prepared to lead the children out of the desert and through the parting of the Red Sea. God saw what was needed and brought many prophesies right up to the time of Christ's birth in a lowly manger in Bethlehem. We have so much to be thankful for as children of God and Christ.
John 1:17 For the law was given to Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. Through Moses, God gave us the law. Jesus came to show us about God’s mercy, love, faithfulness, forgiveness, and grace. When I think about this, I see the law from Moses give us all the rights and wrongs we need to know. But Jesus taught us the truth about how to apply these principles as we live our lives. Prayer, gracious God, the truth of your love and grace are the lesson today. May I learn from it. Amen
John 1:17
For the laws were given through Moses , grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament , God’s only way of communicating with people was through certain people, mostly his prophets, Moses was one such person. Through Moses, the children of Israel was given the rules of God ( the Ten Commandments) carved on bricks of stone. Moses could only be the giver of the law. Today the giver and the will of God is revealed through Jesus Christ. And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us. The only we can be made righteous is by grace, truth and faith alone. We all make mistakes but today we are blessed with both th…
John 1: 17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
This verse tells me of an important difference between Moses and Jesus. Moses explained the law and showed us how broken we were. Jesus brought us grace and truth, love and faithfulness. Jesus provides us a way to find forgiveness. Jesus brings God’s full salvation and maps out the road to eternity.
Dearest Lord thank you for your forgiving heart. Forgive my selfish deeds and forgetful heart. Thank you for the blessings you send daily. Jesus’ truth is with me daily and the grace to live this life. In Jesus name, your Son, I pray. Amen.
John 1:17
A bitter lesson I have learned over many years involvement in the judicial system was in front of me in John’s Gospel all the time. The law can be manipulated by leveraging technicalities and parsing words, leaving the truth, as commonly understood, drowning in its wake. If we depend on the delusion that we earn a place in heaven by keeping the law of Moses, we miss the awesome truth of salvation by faith through grace offered by Jesus Christ.
Prayer - Lord, I put my trust in You and Your promise of salvation. My feeble attempts at obedience are my offering of thanksgiving to You for the sacrifice of the Son. May every attempt at obedience…