1Peter 2:2-3
Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.
We are not meant to grow and live without God. There is a passage in Ecclesiastes that says God put eternity into man’s heart. I believe this is true. We need God like we need food. We were meant to seek God and to learn to experience His presence. I believe this is why there are so many Scriptual references to God being the food and drink (water) that we seek. He is essential to us. I am afraid many do not realize just how essential, and do not recognize and follow that hunger for God which is in each and every one of us.
Holy Lord, I pray that you continue to nourish my soul and help me to grow in your love. May I somehow, and someway, help to lead others to you. Amen
Becky, transforming
1 Peter 2:2
God nourishes us with the words left to us in our bibles. Peter is reminding us to hunger for those words. Read them every day and enjoy the lessons and love contained in them.
Prayer: Gracious God, I sometimes skip days of reading and learning from your words. I try to make up that time. Forgive me in my busyness. Amen
1Peter 2:2-3
Anyone who has committed to regular reading and study of the Bible can easily relate to these verses. That is because looking back, the growth experienced is obvious. We may not notice it day to day, but every one of us in the Transformers can undoubtedly look back on our time together, reflecting on Scripture daily for now several years and know we are in a different place. The Word of God is spiritual food indeed, nourishing our souls.
Prayer - Lord, never let me grow indifferent to digging into Your Word daily. Even passages of Scripture that are very familiar yield new nuggets of wisdom when shared through the eyes of fellow believers. As we gather together…