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A Daily Devotion for Friday, January 21

Matthew 18:3

And he said, “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Children are growing and changing every day. They are learning and trying new things. They trust and love wholeheartedly. They ask questions and they listen to the answers because they really want to know. I believe these are some of the reasons Jesus urged his followers to be like children. I am not sure I have ever applied this verse to myself. What might I give up, to be more childlike? Maybe I could start with my stubborn belief that I am stuck with my faults? If I really accept that I am growing and changing, why not believe I can leave some bad habits behind?

Father God, you have urged us to be like children when we follow you. I am wondering today what this would look like for me. Help me to follow you with my whole heart, and my whole mind, wide open and ready to learn more. Amen

Becky, transforming

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Rosalind Spiller
Rosalind Spiller
21 ene 2022

A painting based on todays verse. Taken from the Cantata. Roz

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Rosalind Spiller
Rosalind Spiller
21 ene 2022

Matthew 18:3 Several years ago, I was part of an Easter Cantata, “In His Hands.“ The first verse read was this one and the choir followed with a song, “The Faith of a Child.” Some of the words are the faith of a child is the faith I am seeking. Eagerly come with the faith of a child. To me, Jesus was saying put away your need for status, honors and the like. This is not how you will enter heaven. Be innocent and ready to learn about Jesus and his love. Read your Bible daily and soak in those lessons and his love. Prayer: Gracious God, may I always approach your word as a child without the Worlds prejudices. Amen

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Beverly Flynn
Beverly Flynn
21 ene 2022

Matthew 18:3

Children are to be loved, cherished and respected. They are dependent and know whom to trust. We are aware of how many times this message is not heard and this causes sorrow. In today’s reading Jesus confused his disciples by discussing the gifts of children, he spoke to his disciples pretty firmly about their value: their innocence, humility and honesty. To understand the message of the Kingdom which Jesus preaches is to be found in the mind of children. There is a directness about them, and the way they relate, that we need to re-learn. The child sees the world as it really is, without all the complications that adults put in the way. This is wh…

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21 ene 2022

Matthew 18: 3 And he said, “truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

I was looking back to when I was very young and I realize that I believed everything I was told by my parents. I looked up to them and wanted to please them. I feel that this is the lesson I am taking from this verse. Looking at Jesus Christ through eyes of a child, will open my mind to continue to learn all about God. It will give me the humility and trust in God so that I can enter His kingdom.

Dearest Lord, your word has always been there but only in…

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21 ene 2022

Matthew 18:3

I just came across this verse and an insightful exposition of it on Wednesday while reading A. W. Tozer’s “The Pursuit of God.“ Here is what Tozer has to say.

”For little children do not compare; they receive direct enjoyment from what they have without relating it to something else or someone else. Only as they get older and sin begins to stir within their hearts do jealousy and envy appear. Then they are unable to enjoy what they have if someone else has something larger or better. At that early age does the falling burden come down upon their tender souls, and it never leaves them till Jesus sets them free.”

Prayer - God of childhood, instill…

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