July 15, 2022
A daily prayer from the New England Conference
Members of the New England Conference Extended Cabinet are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week.
You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.
Today's Prayer
God of Abraham and Sarah, Who is our same God today, You continue to surprise us, Now as you did back then, By appearing to us, Ushering us into new possibilities, Remaining faithful to your children, And keeping your miraculous promises. Lord, you always prove to us, That you are a God of mercy and compassion. Help us have the same attitude towards “strangers” in our midst. Prepare us to get up out of our own sanctuary and greet them as our neighbors. May we resemble Abraham and Sarah and tend to their needs. We shall serve them with radical hospitality. May our loving and caring actions break the boundaries in today’s world. Grant us faithfulness and patience until we see a glimpse of hope, The hope that is your transforming Words and the power of the Holy Spirit. Let your will be done here on earth and everywhere, Now and forevermore, Amen. Rev. Taesung Kang, Granite District Superintendent Inspired by Genesis 18:1-10a