June 12, 2022
A daily prayer from the New England Conference
Members of the New England Conference Extended Cabinet are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week.
You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.
Today's Prayer
As we celebrate today as Trinity Sunday, I invite you to consider meditating, reflecting, and/or writing your own prayer in the following way. Praise God, the Creator. The One who created and still creates all things visible and invisible, everything out-there and deep within. Look around and within prayerfully and find the gifts of God’s creation. What makes you feel awe before God? What are the gifts of daily creation you may have missed or taken it for granted? Offer a prayer of praise and thanksgiving for them. Remember Jesus Christ, the Redeemer. Jesus is YOUR REDEEMER. There is nothing within you and in this world God in Christ cannot redeem and restore. Remember Christ’s redeeming, healing and restoring grace in your life. Name and bring before God in Christ, a friend you have in Jesus, whatever that needs healing, restoration, and redemption in your soul and life. Reconnect to the Holy Spirit, the Renewer. God dwells in us through the Holy Spirit. It is God’s ever renewable and renewing energy to bring God’s Kin-dom on earth as it is in heaven. Which renewal do you need for your Spirit to move with the Holy Spirit? What are the things that need to be renewed for your community and our world to know and live the peace as God gives and shares? Pray to God the Holy Spirit to renew you, the church, and the world. By Rev. We Hyun Chang, Commonwealth East District Superintendent