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Daily Prayer

A daily prayer from the New England Conference

The clergy and laity of the New England Conference are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week. You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.

Today's Prayer

Inspired by Psalm 78:23-29. Heavenly Father, We praise your name. You are a loving God. As you provided for the Israelites in their time of hunger in the wilderness, so you provide for all our needs. All we are and all we have come from you. You hear us and answer our prayers. You sent your son to save us from ourselves and offered us grace through His sacrifice. Help us to be worthy of this gift. Help us remember You are with us and sustain us in the good times and bad. As we wake each day to the sounds of life; birds singing, traffic rolling by, children laughing at the bus stop as the anticipate the freedom of summer, the tears remembering those gone before us, and the anticipation of new life, we are thankful. Thank you for the gift another day in your creation. Help us to use all we are given to better your kingdom and serve you so that we are worthy of all you have given us. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. By Stephanie Cyr Co-Director of Lay Servant Ministries, Co-Lay Leader, Seacoast District

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