Psalm 6:2
Have mercy on me Lord, for I am faint; heal me, Lord, for my bones are in agony.
Our physical bodies are so directly connected to our emotional selves that we can feel weak or injured solely due to an emotional event. This has certainly happened to me. These are times to turn immediately to God, to acknowledge our need for Him. Even after a lifetime of belief, I still lapse and forget to pray.
Holy One, your grace and forgiveness are beyond my understanding. Help me to remember I am always in your presence. Amen
Becky, transforming
Psalm 6:2
Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am faint;Â heal me, Lord, for my bones are in agony.
Psalm 6 is David’s appeal to God for comfort. He believes the torment he is feeling is a punishment from God.Â
God loves us, like a parent loves a child. But it is more than that. God loves us no matter what we do. We can never move so far away that we lose God’s love for us.Â
What David is feeling is internal. His demons are inside him. When he asks for God’s help in verse 2, God brings him comfort
For us, today’s readers, all we need to know is that our demons can be conquered. All we…
March 6th, 2024
Psalm 6:2
Be merciful unto me Lord, for I am faint, me, O Lord, heal be for my bones are are in agony
Feeling that punishment was about to take place, David feels physically distressed. He writes, "my bones are troubled., meaning his bones are weak or terrified. Whatever had come between David and the Lord had taken a heavy toll on David's strength. David knew that the lord was righteous, but he also knew that God is rich in mercy. Guilt is concerned with wrongdoing which tends to leave a person feeling uncomfortable. Knowing the truth of God’s wonderful forgiveness will not remove all memories of our past, but it will help us live in…
Psalm 6:2
The picture of this tree shows that it has faced a lot of challenges and changes throughout its life and it’s still standing tall so this picture helped me understand the scripture and to call upon the Lord for help so that I may stand tall as well.

Psalm 6:2
Change is always difficult for most of us and changes in our health are the most difficult to adjust to. Just dealing with the aging process, as Tom describes, often stops us in our tracks. While it hasn’t stopped me yet, there has been a lot of modifications to my exercise routine. What often keeps us going, is having a goal. For me, I want to stay active so I can continue my volunteer activities and doing the travel we are blessed to be able to do in retirement,
Prayer: Gracious God, thank you for your voice of encouragement so I can continue to work
for you. Amen
Psalm 6:2
My mind this morning leads me to a literal interpretation of this lament. I remember two summers ago when it was clear I could no longer play on the softball team I had been a member of for years. Mobility at my position had deteriorated and running was no longer possible. I finished the season, but last year did not participate. I really missed it and I know I will miss it this summer as well. The gradual failure of my body is becoming a reality with degenerating joints, high blood pressure, diabetes, glaucoma, hearing loss, developing cataracts and their treatment all now part of the rhythm of daily living. I will still pray for healing where it…