Deuteronomy 31:26
”Take this Book of the Law and place it beside the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God. There it will remain as a witness against you.”
When I read this passage, the words read like a warning, but what I feel is reassurance. We are always left with God’s Word and His love, and His promises. We always have God in our midst. So, although I believe Moses was warning the people to behave, he also was reminding them God would continue to be present in their lives in this next new chapter. This Is reassuring and beautiful, and so very generous. I don’t deserve to be loved in this way, but I am.
Holy One, you are steadfast and eternal, present yesterday, today and tomorrow. You are accessible to us and have left us your Word along with your promises. Help me, Lord, to remember your love always, and to make my decisions with you always in my heart. Amen
Becky, transforming
I could not imagine my home without a Bible. The one I use most frequently is the Bible I was presented with at my confirmation in 1954. Hard to believe it was 67 years ago this month. It is well worn from years of use but it so special to me. I also have a lovely white leather Bible that my grandparents gave to me when I married my husband. I had a small bouquet of baby roses attached to it with white satin ribbon and carried down the aisle when my Dad gave me away. Gentle reminders of how important the Bible remains in my life.
Deuteronomy 31: 26
“Take this Book of the Law and place it beside the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God.”
Moses knew that his people would stray from his teaching but he felt that he had laid a foundation for them and it was up to them to follow it. If they strayed it was up to them to right themselves and follow the example set by Moses. In this way Pastor Gil has given us new insight into how to read and interrupt the Bible. It has been a wonderful journey and will continue to be. Following by example is always the best avenue to follow.
Dearest Lord, you have given me the knowledge of your…
Sacred writings hold a special place in life. I believe I read somewhere that the average American home has seven Bibles. I wonder if we cherish them as much as an evangelized village in an emerging country that may have one copy. I have heard of instances where such a copy is divided and each part moved from family to family to be read and memorized. Bible distribution now is more technologically advanced with some organizations distributing MP3s and other small audio Bibles that can be more easily hidden from hostile authorities. To these folks a copy of the Word takes sacred to a new level.
Prayer - Gracious God, hear our prayers for organizations such as the Gideons International…
June 16. Deuteronomy 31:26 Take this Book of Instruction and place it beside the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord your God….. The Ark of the Covenant contains the stone tablets of the 10 Commandments. To place Moses Book of Instruction next to that signifies it’s importance. It made me think of where we keep our Bibles. Are they in a bookcase, beside our bed, on the coffee table for all to see. I have many Bibles of different translations because I like to compare them to hopefully more fully understand a particular reading. I have a Study Bible (NLT), a Learning Bible (CEV), a Women of Faith Bible (NIV), The Message (CL), a Bible specifically set up to be…