Proverbs 20:6
Many claim to have unfailing love, but a faithful person who can find?
At first read, it seems simple, but maybe it is not. The words imply that just claiming to love is not the same thing as being faithful. Perhaps the truly faithful person lives out their love and faithfulness. Do my actions reflect my loyalty to God? Do I ever let other things become more important or more pressing for my time? Do I consistently "walk the walk"?
Holy One, your words take on more and more meaning for me. This proverb gives me pause today, and makes me examine my own choices. Forgive me, Lord, when I do not live out my loyalty to you. Amen
Becky, transforming
Proverbs 20:6 Many claim to have unfailing love, but a faithful person who can find?
I would like to say that I have unfailing love for God. Unfailing love comes from the word of loyalty. This love would be as good as it could possibly get! I will never measure up to unfailing love and I don’t think God expects this of me. I need to ask God to empower me to be a loyal servant and do the best that I can as my human life will allow. I admit that I can’t do it on my own and need Jesus to empower me in this regard.
Dearest Lord, I am your loyal servant. I will always attempt to…
Wednesday, January 25th, 2023
Proverbs 20:6
Many a man proclaims his own steadfast love, but a faithful man who can find?
This proverb says a couple of true things about us all. First, many claim to have unfailing love. This love would be as good as it could possibly get! The verse also asks the question, a faithful person who can find. don’t believe the answer to this question should be – no one can find a faithful person. The truth is that we all fall short in our own ability and power. I believe this message is not to discourage us or make us feel bad. On the contrary, it’s designed to liberate and empower us!
I will never…
Proverbs 20:6 Many claim to have unfailing love, but a faithful person who can find?
There is an aspect of loyalty in both love and faithfulness. A person could profess unfailing love of someone, but if there is no loyalty, then it is easier to be unfaithful. Loyalty is the piece of love that keeps a loved one in mind when you are not with them. Loyalty is a defining part of a person’s character.
Dear Lord, the Proverbs seem to be as much about personal relationship as they do about relationship with you. I hope I have read this one right. Amen.
Proverbs 28:6 Jesus knew the human condition so perfectly well and in His teaching exposed this kind of duplicity often. A couple of examples are the parable of the sower and the plain truth Jesus tells in Matthew 7:21. “Talk is cheap,” so the old saying goes, and it remains true. Genuine loyalty goes beyond a pretty pledge. It requires action when called upon and needed. The mark of a loyal friend is their response to your 2:00 AM phone call.
Prayer - Gracious God, if but one thing is ever remembered of me, let it be that I was loyal - as a son, brother, husband, father, grandfather (hoping), friend and follower of Jesus. Amen
Proverbs 28:6
Many will say they are loyal friends, who can find one who is truly reliable.
This proverb seems to be about the difference between what we say and what we do. It is so easy to say you are loyal to your friends but what do you do about it when they need you. Are we the same in our faith? Do we profess a strong faith and then, in difficult times, that faith fades away. I hope I am not in that category. I hope by my actions, God sees my loyalty.
Prayer: gracious God, may my loyalty to my faith remain strong even during the hardest of times. Amen