Isaiah 40:29
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
It is difficult for me to use God as an example when I think about being generous. He is God, after all. He has given us everything, our very lives. I cannot possibly be generous in the same way, can I? But I was created in God’s own image. The Holy Spirit lives in me. I do not have God’s supernatural powers, but sometimes my generosity could lead to similar results, couldn’t it? Can I be generous enough to give strength to the weary, and power to the weak?
Holy Lord, you are God of all creation, the maker of the heavens and the earth. You are generous beyond my understanding. Help me to see opportunities to be generous, to utilize the power you have given me, to be part of a positive change. Amen
Becky, transforming
pic by Kay
Isaiah 40:29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
How do we benefit from this generous gift of strength and power that the Lord gives us? We must have faith that it will actually come. We must act like it has come to us. If not, and we continue to lounge around waiting for it to appear it never will.
Lord we pray for strength to endure. We believe that you will deliver on your promise, and so we become strong and are able get through the current crisis in our lives. Thank you. Amen.
Isaiah 40:29
I have struggled with courage, in the past and I am rising above fear. This doesn't mean that I won't ever feel afraid. Perhaps I will. However when I start to feel fear rise up, I can confront it because of the gift that God gave me, I call it courage. (because the Holy Spirit lives within me). The source of your weakness and fear isn't the same as mine. It doesn't make your weakness and fear any less important to God. God’s Word is the same for my situation, as it is for yours, as it is for the next person. It is real and active and alive. Decide not to live in a place of weak…
Isaiah 40:29 He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. God is so generous with his gifts. He gives us power and strength. Sunday, our choir is singing “the Lord is my strength.” Because of these gifts, we should be praising him aloud – and we will on Sunday. But do we carry that praise home from church? Do we look to his words when we, ourselves, feel overwhelmed by life? Do we pray daily for the strength he gives us? There are numerous verses in the Bible about God‘s strength. In my concordance, there were 24 versus speaking of strength. We should know our help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. Prayer: Gracious God, …
Isaiah 40: 29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
I hear a promise in these words. I feel the strength of the Holy Spirit at the times I am most distressed. It is God’s promise of redemption through Jesus that keeps me going. It is through God’s generosity of grace that I am able to work through all of life’s challenges. What a great promise this is.
Dearest Lord, I sometimes find myself always asking you for help. Today I praise you and thank you that you are a good and gracious God. The grace you supply is sufficient and the wonderful promise of your Son, Jesus is my gift. In Jesus na…
Isaiah 40:29 - “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.”
There are many potential iterations of weary and weak to which this verse may apply. I remember rare instances on our family AT hike when I was physically spent and asked God for the strength to finish the day‘s segment. I have felt weak and helpless at times of loss. Being the recipient of God’s strength and power just when I needed it most gives me incentive to strive to be a conduit for God’s strength and power to others who may be weary and weak. Something as little as being positive and cheerful in the face of a seemingly constant drumbeat of ba…