April 21, 2021 A daily prayer during this COVID-19 crisis During these difficult days, Bishop Devadhar and members of the Extended Cabinet are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week. You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions. Today’s prayer Jesus. Savior we call you. Author of salvation. Dr. Luke tells us that salvation is found in no one else. Salvation. To be saved – healed – delivered. You saved the woman who hemorrhaged for 12 years. You saved Jairus’ daughter whom everyone thought had died. You saved the disciples as they cried out in a capsizing boat. Can I be frank with you Jesus? We don’t really like the notion of needing to be saved. Okay, since I’m being honest, I confess that I don’t like the notion of needing to be saved. I like to think I’ve got it covered by my own abilities, by my false sense of security due to my privilege, my wealth my health all the “stuff” surrounding me. Save me from my belief that I don’t need to be saved. Heal me of the ways I keep myself comfortably distant from needing you. Deliver me from the ways I am complicit is systems that perpetuate injustice. Save me. So be it. By Rev. Rick McKinley, Director of Congregational Development Based on Acts 4: 5-12
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