July 23, 2021
A daily prayer from the New England Conference
The clergy and laity of the New England Conference are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week. You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions. Today’s Prayer
The United Methodist Church is celebrating 25 years of the Order of Deacon, who are ordained to word, service, justice and compassion. This week we are celebrating the wide variety of ways that our conference has lived this out through our laity and clergy.
God of Love and Abundance
We can never hope to know the true fullness of Your love; but, we seek Your Divine love and acceptance. May we then be a reflection of Your love toward all we may meet in life.
We are reminded in the scriptures that You are ever present to fill our needs to all who seek You. For each day that we receive sustenance help us to share so that all may be fed, clothed and know peace. Give us courage and confidence that in giving we also receive, and Your name is praised.
Be with those who mourn the loss of loved ones through disasters, conflict and oppressive forces. Be with all who seek a better way, grant them sustaining courage as they strive for a more stable life.
Today as in all days, we seek Your guidance as we strive to be the true disciples of Christ that we promised at our baptism. We are still seekers, knowing we will stumble on the path of living our best life. We will get up and continue to strive to be better than yesterday Only through Your Grace.
We honor and praise Your Holy Name
Amen Based upon Ephesians 3:14-21 and Psalm 145:10-18
Written by Fay Flanary, Deaconess, Hope UMC in Belchertown, MA, Commonwealth West District. A Deaconess is a lay woman who is called by God to be in lifetime relationship with the UMC for engagement with a full-time vocation in ministries of love, justice, and service