Jan. 13, 2022
A daily prayer from the New England Conference
Members of the New England Conference Extended Cabinet are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week.
You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.
Today's Prayer
God of Grace, Love, and Mercy, You are with us in every transition and change in our lives. We thank You for your presence with us though the mountains and valleys of our lives. We thank you for the gifts, talents, and skills with which you have blessed us. We thank you for the experiences that have brought each one of us to this day. We thank You, O God, for walking with us and never leaving us alone. As we move forward, continue to cover us with Your love, protection, and mercy. Allow each of us to show Your love to others as we begin each new day. We pray this in your Holy Name. Amen. Rich Hughen, Conference Lay Leader Inspired by Psalm 36: 5-10