Nov. 11, 2021
A daily prayer from the New England Conference
Members of the New England Conference Extended Cabinet are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week.
You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.
Today's Prayer
O God, You are the rock of ages. We come before you and ask you to be our anchor in this day, shield us from all dangers, sustain us as we lean on you. Every day we exclaim, “Be my Lord! Without you, nothing makes sense.” (Psalm 16:2) Merciful Jesus, You predicted the time of trial and tribulation, so we remain hopeful. When we encounter false teachers, rumors and conspiracy theories, natural disasters, famines; when conflicts and strife arise amongst nations, races, religious and political groups, we witness all these troubles around us, yet we do not panic, Lord, duly by your mercy. You ask your disciples, “Do you see these great buildings?” In these times the Spirit no longer moves. When the temple turned into a host for institutionalized religion, you simply call it, “a great building,” nothing more than that. Because nothing lasts forever, the temple is no more and the stones have been thrown down. We see those “great buildings” around us, we even confess those symbolic buildings are within us, as we build our own temple with large stones — great buildings of worldly treasures, pleasure, power, entitlement, and ego. Lord, in your mercy, we surrender them to you. Help us tear down these perishable buildings that are within us. Lead us to proclaim “I keep the Lord always before anything, even before myself.” O God, Rock of ages, we humbly ask you to come into us, rebuild us with your words that last forever. In your presence, there is the fullness of joy. We pray this prayer in your powerful name, Amen. By Rev. Taesung Kang, Granite District Superintendent Inspired by Psalm 16; Mark 13:1-8