October 10, 2021
A daily prayer from the New England Conference
The clergy and laity of the New England Conference are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week. You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.
Based on Hebrews 4:12-16 Abba Father, You see us inside and out, Our thoughts, our fears, our motivations, You know them well. Often we think we know better And we stray from the path That keeps us at your side. In your unconditional love and grace, Please forgive our defiance, And help us to see with new eyes. When times are hard and the road rough, help us to remember through your living Word: Life gets easier when you make us stronger. Sharper than any two-edged sword, Your Word knows us intimately. It is healing, gives peace, Cleanses us, and imparts life. Be our center, filling both body and spirit, Helping to sanctify our lives from within, So that when at last, we see your glorious face, We will enter that place of rest. In your precious name, Amen Keven Tansey, Camp Mechuwana and Youth Leader at Centenary UMC, Skowhegan ME