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A Daily Devotion for Tuesday, April 2

Romans 7:21-23

So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God's law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me.

Even Paul, who was specifically selected and called by Jesus, continued to live with a battle against sin. In his inner world, in his mind, he continued to battle against sin, trying to do the right thing, but always battling temptation. I suppose I should be thankful when there is a battle, since this means I have stopped to consider and have time to decide. It is harder to fight sin which has become automatic, and spends very little time in our mind. Thinking before we act gives us a chance to consider our actions/words before they become real.

Holy Lord, help me to stop and consider before I speak or act with others. You have given me the ability to use my mind to decide what I will or won't do or say. Help me to do this more automatically, catching sinful behaviors before they happen. May I not need to say, "I wasn't thinking." Amen

Becky, transforming

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Romans 7:21-23

These verses are very reassuring. We tend to think of these biblical characters, especially Paul, as perfect people. If we think that and compare our behavior, we fall short. Paul reminds us that everyone struggles with temptation and sin. BUT, if you continue reading, he gives us the answer, Jesus. With prayer and our belief in the Holy Spirit, we have the tools to overcome almost anything.

Prayer: Gracious God, thank you for this reminder that we have our mind’s power and the Holy Spirit to keep us from temptation and sin. Amen


Apr 02

Romans 7:21-23

Paul very effectively captures the dilemma faced by all people of faith. We know and have accepted God’s truth, yet sin continues to tug at the mind. We are then engaged in another battle. Without the help of the Holy Spirit, temptation will continue its assault, trying to convince me to rationalize what I know to be the wrong thing to do or say. I have been graced the weapons to win the battle by setting my mind in the right place - God’s word.

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