Ephesians 2:10
For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
When I read these words, I think about how different we all are, one from another. We all have our own interests and talents, and have been shaped by different experiences. We have unique strengths and weaknesses. This makes each of us equipped and ready for our own calling. God could have created us all alike, and controlled our experiences and responses. Instead we have this opportunity, from childhood to the end of our days, to find ways to serve God. The opportunities are all around, and these words from Paul suggest that God prepares some of those experiences specifically for me, and for each one of us. I must be on the lookout, and take advantage of every opportunity.
Father God, you have a plan for me. Help me to navigate this life and find ways to do your work. I want to live out your plan. Please light my path. Amen
Becky, transforming
Ephesians 2:10
I am glad God had a plan for me when I retired, because I did not. It took a while, but then just looking around my community, I could see opportunities. When we found our church, even more of God’s plan was made clear. I am happy I have found many ways to use my talents in his name. I must stress here that my talents are not spectacular. They are simple – many others share them. We learn with time to simply use what we can to do God’s good things.
Prayer: gracious God, thank you for guiding me in ways that honor you. Amen
Ephesians 2:10 Good works are prepared for me in advance. My works that are not good are my own doing and I bear the responsibility to confess my shortcomings to God, to any I have wronged and ask forgiveness. It is encouraging to imagine a future dotted with good works specifically assigned to me. The eyes of faith will help me recognize them and carry them out.
Prayer - Gracious God, it is difficult for me to see myself as Your handiwork, but by staying in the Word and listening for Your voice help me to focus on the good works You had ordained me to do. Thank You for a future characterized by hope and not dread. Amen