2 Peter 1:20-21
Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation of things. For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is our direct link with God. Access to God through the Holy Spirit does not seem common in the OT, and changed dramatically and fundamentally with Jesus' death and resurrection. So it is interesting to hear Peter's explanation of the source of the prophets' inspiration. He knows, at this point, that he is inspired by the same Holy Spirit as his forefathers. He also has another source of inspiration: he was an eyewitness! This makes me wonder, to what am I an eyewitness, or to what have I been an eyewitness, which could serve as inspiration to me in my faith? What has God shown me directly, that I may have missed, or am missing at this moment?
Holy Lord, help me to see all you would have me see. I am an eyewitness, living in your creation. I am filled with your Holy Spirit. Help me to be inspired, to deepen my faith, and to be a holy example. Amen
Becky, transforming
2 Peter 1: 20–21
Some of the Old Testament Prophets heard God speaking directly to them. Some had dreams or visions. Some were instructed to write down what was told to them. Others preached the words/warnings to the people directly. These were not their ideas but messages God sent to them, Peter’s description that they were moved by the Holy Spirit is his explanation as we know that only after Jesus did we have the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit that nudges us to listen when God is speaking to us.
Prayer: Gracious God, we are not prophets but we do have Your Holy Spirit within us. May we pay the same attentio…
Thursday July 6th, 2023
2 Peter 1:20-21
Knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
Prophecy is not an emotional experience that someone chooses to record for personal recognition,to promote a theory or to gain viewers on a you-tube channel. Holy men of God were moved by the Spirit of God. They were generally unaware of its fulfilment and rarely understood the depth of the meanings in their writings. The Holy Spirit is the divine Author of Scripture, and while godly men co-operated, it was the Holy Spirit…