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A Daily Devotion for Monday, May 3

Isaiah 66: 10-13

verse 13: “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem.”

I have been thinking a lot about my mom recently. The anniversary of her death, and then her birthday and Mother’s Day in rapid succession make this an emotional time of year for me. These verses ask me to think of God’s love like a mother’s love for her infant child. An infant cannot make it on their own. Someone needs to look over them and keep them safe. In the most important way, this need never goes away. We need to know God will love us unconditionally and forever. If our mothers were here with us today, they would love us more than the day we were born! God loves me as much as my mom loved me! That is as much as I can imagine. I am told he loves me more.

Holy Father, your love is greater, larger, more eternal than anything I can fathom. Like a mother, you have taken care of me and loved me unconditionally. You have given me life. I am so very thankful. Amen

Becky, transforming

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