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A Daily Devotion for Monday, March 15

Writer's picture: ontrakkontrakk

Matthew 20:1-16

verse 16: “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

Verse 16 follows the parable of the workers in the vineyard. The men who were hired early in the day were angry when they saw the latecomers being paid the same wages at the end of the day. This is so typical of human nature, isn’t it? We want what is “fair”. We want to be recognized and compensated just as much as the next guy. But Jesus points out that each of the men made their own arrangements with the vineyard owner. Just like my relationship with God, I cannot measure my own by comparing to another. I need to go to God.

Father God, you are what I seek. I know my relationship with you, and must not compare it to anyone else’s. You are fair and righteous. My life is in your hands. Amen

Becky, transforming

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Beverly Flynn
Beverly Flynn
Mar 15, 2021

Matthew 20:1-16

At first I was strongly inclined to side with the grumblers in the vineyard. . After all, it did not seem fair that those who only worked for one hour should get exactly the same as those who had worked from early in the morning and through the heat of the day. Even though all had agreed to work for a certain stipulated amount, still in all fairness and decency, I felt that the early comers should have been given more than the latecomers. As I thought about this it shows that my thoughts are human thoughts and not God’s.(and here lies the difference) this is the way God thinks, which I need to learn. He gives …


Mar 15, 2021

Matthew 20: 1-16

16 “So the least will be first, and the first will be last.”

The workers that started earlier in the day felt cheated by the landowner as they all received the same pay. I feel that God’s view of what is fair is what counts, and that actually is a positive thing for us. I look at these verses and I see forgiveness. That no matter what stage in our lives we find Jesus, we will be saved. The parable is a beautiful assurance of what grace can do. We are promised full free forgiveness from God. We receive mercy and life from Jesus.

Dearest Lord, thank you that no matter the hour I came to you,…


2021-0315 Monday, Daily Devotion - Matthew 20:1-16

Some might recognize God’s principle is not like ours. It is not fair to pay the same wages for all the workers whether they started morning or afternoon. But a principle of God’s Kingdom is not to hire the workers to make profits out of the workers but to hire the workers to share what He had with the people. He had a unique principle, which is hard to understand from our capitalistic perspective. I hope and pray that more Christian can run this kind of missional business to share more with the people.

Father, thank you for leading me to think about a principle of the Kingdom business. Pour out Your grace,…


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