James 2, 14-17 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace, keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
Our last Outreach Committee meeting was in March just prior to Covid-19 changing our connectional lives in many ways throughout 2020. Despite Covid, CUMC remained very active in providing Outreach to share kindness and God’s love throughout our greater community. Below is an update from March through October.
MARCH- served dinner at the Friendly Kitchen,
APRIL- donation to the Concord Coalition for the Homeless of 10 tarps, 12 pkgs personal care wipes for cleaning (showers no longer available to them), 15 personal care kits, toilet paper, travel tissues, 48 snack bags along with water and gatorade
MAY- cookies baked and delivered to the seniors of Park Ave Apartments. Served dinner at the Friendly Kitchen, Service Club provided funds for shopping for senior’s Wednesday delivery of food pantry. We received an update from Evon’s Hope in Burundi, Africa of mattresses and bedding purchased for the children that our donation in February assisted with. Some of the children had never slept on a mattress before!
JUNE- Coalition for the Homeless, PB &J sandwiches with snack bags, 3 cases of water, travel sized toiletries (showers available again), caring for the gardens and platers at church throughout the summer/fall, Cookies baked to add to Dimetris’ soup lunches delivered to 60 seniors in town. Our scheduled Senior Luncheon at Slusser Center was cancelled as the Center remains closed.
JULY- Service Club funds for Back to School backpacks/supplies, $100 donation to purchase girls underwear (140 pairs) for Uganda’s Pad Project, also 30 gift cards for the homeless for pizza, 5 cases of water to close out their bank account (voted to disband Club in Jan), bakers treated seniors at Park Ave Apartments to individual slices of lemon poppyseed bread
AUGUST- Got Lunch groceries for 15 children in town with food insecurity
SEPTEMBER- Cookie baked for seniors in our congregation who have been isolated at home during Covid
OCTOBER- Coalition for the Homeless delivery of 40 Halloween treat bags with candy and homemade cookies, two boxes cold weather clothing/boots, a sleeping bag and travel sized toiletries