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Daily Prayer

September 3, 2021

A daily prayer from the New England Conference

The clergy and laity of the New England Conference are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week.

You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.

Today's Prayer

James 2:8 “You do well when you really fulfill the royal law found in scripture, Love your neighbor as yourself.” CEB

Oh, Lord, what words recorded in the words of Scripture that we call sacred!

It is a mighty calling to love ourselves, truly love ourselves, without an inflated sense of self.

In striving for humbleness, many times we discount our own sacred worth.

Many times our own sacred worth has been discounted by others.

It is so easy to internalize the opinions of others instead of Your love for all of us, truly created by You.

Help us to love ourselves as You love us so we might love our neighbors, without regard or partiality.

You call us to the unequivocable of Jesus, to know it within and to exhibit it with out in all we do.


Rev Michele St Cyr, Exec Director UM Economic Ministries and Pastor Corinna UMC

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