June 24, 2022
A daily prayer from the New England Conference
Members of the New England Conference Extended Cabinet are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week.
You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.
Today's Prayer
Holy One, On this morning, we take a new step with you into this day. We’re all in, wherever we are and however the day unfolds. Our whole selves in …. because that is how you made us, who we are, and what is needed. You call us to follow, building on the legacy of our ancestors – those who were all in for their time. Sometimes the old feels good – a safe and familiar pattern, like a soft worn shoe Even the old terrifying can sometimes seem comfortable in its familiarity … But you call us forward and we won’t let the past hold us back: no turning around. New dimensions await us – a deeper journey with each other in the love of Christ, in the Spirit of the Lord … ever more fully into making your love real in all of our living here and now. Remind us of who we are and steel our courage to love mercy and do justice. Alert to and embodying your love, we move onward, make new friends, and follow you … From this very moment. Amen. Rev. Ted Crass, President, The United Methodist Foundation of New England. Inspiration: Luke 9.51-62.