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A daily prayer during this COVID-19 crisis for November 6, 2020

Nov. 6, 2020

A daily prayer during this COVID-19 crisis

During these difficult days, Boston University School of Theology is sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week. 

You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.

Today’s prayer

Prayer inspired by Psalm 78:1-7 God of infinite love and care for the whole of your creation, God of enduring faithfulness and wise guidance in tumultuous times, We come to you with hearts opened and closed; We seek to open our lives to the fullness of your love and guiding wisdom Yet, we close ourselves in waves of fear and anxiety in these distressing days,     even as You promise never to fail us. The world fails, but You do not. On this day, we see, hear, taste, and smell your presence             in the brilliance of autumn leaves and the smells of dinner cooking,             in congregations gathered electronically and serving their communities. You call us to be faithful in this moment –              to follow in your ways             to teach our children and their children             to inspire and support the present generation and all those to come. You call us to learn from You daily and always,             witnessing that You are faithful             and want us to be faithful. Help us to open ourselves to your call, to live in your Spirit             even in deeply troubling times,             especially in troubling times; Give us hope that violence and injustice can be dismantled,             hope to love You and our neighbors with our whole selves,             hope to center our lives on You and your teachings             for our own sakes, for all who are oppressed and violated,              and for all who come after us! God of infinite love and enduring faithfulness, We give thanks to you,  And we pray for the light of your wisdom and the strength of your spirit             as we seek to love and follow you              in ways that are ancient             and yet shaped for this moment. God, in your mercy, hear our prayer! AMEN.  Mary Elizabeth Moore, Dean and Professor of Theology and Education, Boston University School of Theology, UMC deacon

pic by Roz

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