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A daily prayer during this COVID-19 crisis for January 7, 2021

Jan. 7, 2021

A daily prayer during this COVID-19 crisis

During these difficult days, Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar and the members of the Extended Cabinet are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week.

You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.

Today’s prayer

"In baptism, Jesus takes the 'solidarity dip,' entering the struggles of his people." Sibling Christ, help us to follow you deep into the waters of baptism … to break the chain of past wrongs; to become fit to face your coming age … Jesus, our Sibling, help us to follow you. Help us to follow you into the desert, with you to fast, denying false luxury-values, refusing the tempting ways of self-indulgence, the way of success at all costs, the way of coercive persuasion. Jesus, our Sibling, help us to follow you. Help us to follow you in untiring ministry to town and village, to heal and restore … to cast out the demonic forces of greed, resentment, communal hatred, and self-destructive fears – rampant in our lands. Jesus, our Sibling, help us to follow you. Help us to follow you on the road to Jerusalem, to set our faces firmly against friendly suggestions to live a safe, expedient life; to embrace boldly the way of self-offering … Jesus, our Sibling, help us to follow you. Help us to follow you even to the cross … to see our hope in your self-spending love; to die to all within us not born of your love. Jesus, our Sibling, help us to follow you. Help us to follow you out of the dark bomb; to share daily in your resurrection life, to be renewed daily in your image of love, to serve daily as your new body being broken for your world. Jesus, our Sibling, help us to follow you. Submitted by Rev. Rick McKinley, Conference Director of Congregational Development Modified from prayer found in “Bread of Tomorrow,” edited by Janet Morley, ©1992 Christian Aid, orig. Church Missionary Society, 1976.

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