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A daily prayer during this COVID-19 crisis for January 2, 2020

Jan. 2, 2021

A daily prayer during this COVID-19 crisis

During these difficult days, Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar and the members of the Extended Cabinet are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week.

You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.

Today’s prayer

O God who was in the Beginning and whose life and light are in every beginning, we thank you for blessing all of your creation with the beginning of the New Year. Awaken us on every morning to open ourselves to receive the life of your boundless love so that we never waste your new day with yesterday’s fear.

Enlighten the deepest place of our hearts at every night with the light of your hope so that we never end each new day with the darkness of despair and apathy. Cleanse the mirrors of our lives and let them reflect the light of your compassion into the dark places of hatred, your peace into those of violence, your liberation into those of oppression, and your justice into those of injustice.

O God who has become one of us and moved into our neighborhoods, we thank you for being our neighbor. Help us reach out to find and welcome you in each of our neighbors near and far, regardless of who they are, where they are from, and whom they love. O God whose fullness covers all the earth with grace and truth, grant us daily wisdom to trust that your daily grace is more than sufficient for what we truly need. Nudge us each day to seek little deeper your truth that humbles our egos and enlivens your spirit in us. O God whose face no one has ever seen yet whose heart is fully known in Christ Jesus, let each day of this New Year bring us closer to your heart as you walk along with us on our daily journey to follow Jesus. Amen.

John 1:(1-9), 10-18 Rev. We Hyun Chang, Commonwealth East District Superintendent

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