Feb. 21, 2021
A daily prayer during this COVID-19 crisis
During these difficult days, members of the New England Conference Board of Ordained Ministry are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week. You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.
Today’s prayer
God Speaks … You are my child No matter what trouble you are into, Never will I leave you. You are my son No matter how far you walk away, I will provide a place for you to lay. You are my daughter, Baptized in water but continues to wander, Looking for you, I will not surrender. You have a Friend in Jesus whatever the tide When you are hurt or broken, you remain strong Alone, talking to Him, you find Shalom If silenced, you find ways to voice the wrong When lost, you find your way back home In life’s wilderness, may Jesus be always by your side. Amen. By Rev. Nizzi Santos Digan, Good Shepherd United Methodist Church, Malden, MA