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A daily prayer during this COVID-19 crisis for December 1, 2020

December 1, 2020

A daily prayer during this COVID-19 crisis

During these difficult days, members of the Green Mountain District of the New England Conference are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week.

You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.

Today’s prayer

The hills and vales of human life, God levels with a word. A word of comfort in the strife, reveals to us our Lord.

God's glory soon shall be revealed, the penalty is paid. The pow'r of God that lay concealed, to us new life conveyed!

Behold, our Savior comes with might, unrighteousness dissolves. To heed our Shepherd we delight; to us God's task devolves.

So, now, receive the great good-news, in Love's arms we are born-- Great tidings no one could refuse, salvation's brand-new morn!

There are many voices clamoring for my attention, God, which one is yours? Is yours the voice of comfort or of challenge? Do I hear you in the crowded places of life or in the barren places? Are you on the mountain or in the valley?

I have journeyed long over hill and vale looking for your level path. My road has had many twists and turns, and I long for a straight way. I have seen much suffering and sorrow, and I long for hope and joy. The grass has withered, the flower has faded and I yearn for new life.

“Speak tenderly,” the prophet declares and I would hear that tender voice not for my ears only, but for all those in the world around me. Speak your tender mercy, your steadfast love and faithfulness. Let me hear it in the whisper of a faint breeze and in the roar of a mighty, rushing wind.

Unstop my ears, clear my eyesight, soften my heart and quicken my mind. The Advent of your salvation is at hand and I yearn for it with all my soul. Maranatha, come Lord Jesus, and save your people. Amen.

Rev. Greg Smith, pastor Shelburne United Methodist Church, Chair Green Mountain District Committee on Finance and Mission Share Relief; Green Mountain District

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