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A Daily devotion for Weds. June 26

Isaiah 45:5-7

I am the LORD, and there is no other;

apart from me there is no God.

I will strengthen you,

though you have not acknowledged me,

so that from the rising of the sun

to the place of its setting

people may know there is none besides me.

I am the LORD, and there is no other.

I form the light and create darkness,

I bring prosperity and create disaster;

I, the LORD, do all these things.

These verses do seem to follow the passages we discussed last week related to ‘blessings’. Maybe this passage is telling us simply that we are not the ones in control. If God is able to make anything happen, which I believe he is, he is truly sovereign and above all other things, people, powers, spirits, etc. When bad things happen, and we don’t know why, we can only know that God has an ultimate purpose. God has a “forever” in mind for us and for those who love him. When our free will leads us to something outside of God’s will, God is sovereign. When we act and live according to God’s will, He is sovereign. We need only to wait and see, because someday we will be with God in an even closer way than we are now.

Holy Lord, today you have started me thinking about many things. I understand so little, truly know so very little about you. But I understand that I am to know your love, and to feel your love no matter what comes my way. I will work on this, and I am thankful for your guidance. Amen

Becky, transforming

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Isaiah 45:5-7

As our world seemingly spirals out of control, the words of Isaiah are shocking. “I will strengthen you,

though you have not acknowledged me . . .” This is the ultimate mark of God’s sovereignty. Those who have not sought the Lord and even those who reject the Lord are under God’s care and influence whether they admit it or not. The lyrics to Twila Paris’ “God is in Control” come to mind. Watching the old video lent a rousing start to the morning.

Prayer: Sovereign God, I gratefully put my full faith and trust in You. Seeing and experiencing the havoc that Satan causes in this world makes the knowledge that You are ultimately in control…

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