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A Daily Devotion for Weds., Jan. 6

Luke 24:44-49

This passage is so full of hope and promise. My favorite passages in the New Testament are those recorded directly from Jesus’ speech. Jesus reminds the disciples: everything recorded in God’s word about the Christ is coming true, and will come true. You have seen it, and need to tell others. I will send you power, as was promised. How can I ever doubt when these words are here to remind me? There is no room for doubt when the words are from Jesus.

Holy Lord, It is always helpful for me to revisit your Word. I ask you please, to help me to keep my mind and my heart open to you. It is too easy for me to be distracted by the everyday. Your word is truly the lamp lighting my path. Amen

Becky, transforming

pic by Kay

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Beverly Flynn
Beverly Flynn
06 de jan. de 2021

Luke 24:44-49

Sometimes we can be so distressed or disappointed; so angry or worried; so hurt or fearful that we miss the incredible blessings that God can do when he opens our minds to scripture. (The Holy Spirit does this for us today) This is is what happened to His disciples following Christ’s cruel crucifixion. They were so deeply affected by the great travesty they had just witnessed, that they almost missed the incredible blessings that took it’s course. The experience of these disciples of Christ is often repeated in our own lives, despite the clear teaching of Scripture – that God is in control and that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. L…


06 de jan. de 2021

Luke 24: 44-49

45 Then he opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures.

I have to give credit where credit is due and that credit goes to Pastor Gil in regard to scripture. It is through his sermons every week and the way he speaks about himself that has brought me a new understanding of Jesus. Reading the Bible had never been something I did, but now I do. It is through these daily readings that I have found a new understanding of life. It makes me want to do better and serve Jesus in any way I can. My mind has been open and a new understanding of all God has done for me has unfolded.



06 de jan. de 2021

Luke 24:45 - “Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures,”

Growing up as Jews, the apostles certainly knew the scriptures, yet here was Jesus opening their minds to truly understand them. The Bible can be read for decades and never fully grasped until the Holy Spirit renews our minds. I think this is why folks who, with all good intentions, try to evangelize by quoting verse after verse of scripture to unbelievers meet resistance. Until the Spirit acts these are just empty words from an ancient book, irrelevant to life today. After the Spirit, they become wonderful words of life.

Prayer - Holy Spirit, renewer of minds and hearts, sweep over our troubled land as You hovered over…


Membro desconhecido
06 de jan. de 2021

20210106 Wednesday, Daily Devotion - Luke 24:49

49 I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”

Today’s scripture is Luke’s record about the last moment of Jesus with His disciples. This moment is another beginning from the disciples’ perspective. At that time, they start their new journey with the Holy Spirit who Jesus promised. But they need to wait for the Promised first until when the Spirit fills them with power from heaven. They needed to Wait and be filled by the Holy Spirit from heaven. This moment of Waiting to be Filled by the Holy Spirit is a critical moment of…

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