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A Daily Devotion for Wednesday, November 24

John 14:6

Jesus answered, ”I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Truth can be a divisive word in today’s culture. Truth has probably been a divisive word in all cultures, for all sorts of reasons. Opinions and strongly held beliefs and preferences are not truth. Desires and status are not truth. Wealth or lack of wealth does not give us access to the truth. Education? That’s not truth, either. The only way I can see to access the truth is through Jesus Christ. His existence opens all the doors to the truth, and scripture allows us in.

Father God, I am so thankful for the path you have set me on. Help me to move closer and closer to the truths you would have me know and understand. You are truth. Amen

Becky, transforming

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Beverly Flynn
Beverly Flynn
Nov 24, 2021

John 14:6

Jesus said, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. As Christians we believe the facts that are laid out in the Bible. We believe every answer to life and the truth is also in his word. Jesus is saying to us it is an indisputable fact that I am the Son of God. He knows all things and so we can trust anything he tells us in Scripture. Truth is not defined by our own human understanding it is determined by God Himself. The Bible’s story of how the world came to be and how humans were given life is called creation: God made the univers…


Rosalind Spiller
Rosalind Spiller
Nov 24, 2021

John 14:6 What is the truth nowadays? It seems to be whatever “you” want it to be. Certainly it is not what Jesus instructed. At the time, the disciples were not sure, but today we should be. We have Jesus and his words to help us with the truth. The simple truth, which seems to be the most difficult, is Jesus’ commandment to “love one another as I have loved you”. It is only that love that can defeat the hate and division surrounding us today. Prayer, gracious God may we who believe follow your commands as an example to others. Amen


Nov 24, 2021

John 14:6

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Nov 24, 2021

John 14: 6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”

Jesus is truth itself. He is God and human. While on earth Jesus taught the way of God’s truth. Jesus is the only way to get to the Father. Jesus presents us to his Father and tells him of our service and acceptance of Him.

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John 14:6 Christians who assert the exclusivity of Jesus Christ as the gateway to salvation face vigorous pushback from not only non-believers, but from an ever-growing number of those who claim Christianity, including modernist Christian scholars and theologians. Some of their students will carry an openly syncretic theology into the pulpit. Here is a quotation from an article I read recently:

”Today, what you may hear is ‘Jesus is my savior and my way, but there are many ways - all of them valid.’ I once asked a UM pastor who was a candidate for bishop if other religious teachers, Buddha and Mohammad, for example, brought the same kind of revelation and truth to their followers that Jesus brings to Christians.…

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