Luke 19: 1-10
verses 9-10: Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.”
Zacchaeus was a tax collector, and I suppose that job was just too tempting. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I learned that tax collectors were known to be dishonest, as a rule. They had the opportunity to cheat people out of their money, and they did. So just the fact that Jesus talked to him was enough to get people’s attention. Then Jesus invites himself into the man’s home. Zacchaeus, being in the presence of Jesus, repents of his sins. Jesus wants me to be with him, whether I feel worthy or not. He knows my heart. If I am truly sorry for all of the wrongs I have committed, Jesus welcomes me. I will remember to rejoice when I discover any sinner turning to Jesus.
Holy Father, you are there for me, and for any sinner willing to admit and repent of their sins. May I be a part of that process in some way. Amen
Becky, transforming
Luke 19:1-10. The story of Zaccheus. There are so many lessons that come out of this one short story. If I put myself in the story, I might be one of the crowd muttering about Jesus showing favor to such a sinner and one so hated by his own people. A Jew working for the Romans as a Tax Collector and cheating his “own” kind. BUT, of course, I would be missing the point that no one is beneath Jesus’ love and compassion. He shows us this again and again in story after story. I hope as we read story after story, we will begin to realize the scope of Jesus’ love for each and every child of God. Prayer: Gr…
2021-0324 Wednesday, Daily Devotion - Luke 19:8 (NIV)
8 But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.”
Today’s scripture shows that a person can be changed depending on who the person encounters. There is no description of what Jesus and Zaccheaus talked about in the passage. But what we can know is that Zaccheaus’ life was totally changed and made a brand new decision in his life. He turned around toward Jesus by making a big decision that normal people hardly can make. His decision shows how dramatic…
Luke 19: 1-10
10 “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the Lost.”
God the Father sent Jesus to us to free us from his wrath. I am so very grateful that Jesus loves me. I was lost for many years. I put God on a back burner and didn’t think about what affect that may have had on me. Since finding God again I have come to know Jesus in a way that I never experience before. This knowledge has opened my mind and heart and given me a new understanding of God. I am forever grateful to Pastor Gil for his way of preaching and delivering the messages of the Bible.
Dearest Lord, you…
Luke 19: 1-10
This lesson on Zacchaeus is another scripture only found in Luke. Jesus never chooses to help or heal people based on what others may think. Zacchaeus was a hatred despised tax collector . Jesus went to his house because he loved him and wanted to help him. (plain and simple). God knew all about Zacchaeus and his dishonesty but still gave him a chance and because he did Zacchaeus solemnly promised that he would give half of his possessions to all the people he had dishonestly taken from. Part of our “healing” in our Lenten series is to see people the way God sees them. We will recognize each person as a valuable child of God. Person…
Luke 19:6 - “So he hurried down and was happy to welcome him.”
He was rich, but he had to know something was missing in his life. His wealth came at the expense of his people who likely despised him. Like many rich people in our day, Zaccheus could have simply ignored Jesus as an irrelevant do-gooder who had nothing to offer. But the Holy Spirit moved him to want to see this man he heard so much about, even if it meant climbing a tree. When Jesus actually saw him and singled him out for a visit, Zaccheus was “happy to welcome him.” The process of spiritual healing was well on its way because his heart was open to…