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A Daily Devotion for Wednesday, March 17

Writer's picture: ontrakkontrakk

Luke 15:1-7

Today’s reading is the parable of the lost sheep. Jesus emphasizes the joy of the shepherd when he is able to find one of his huge flock who has gone missing, and return him to the fold.

We are all familiar with this parable, having heard it and probably read it ourselves many times. Today when I read it, I am led to imagine myself one of the rest of the flock, left ”alone” while the master goes off to look for the one who was foolish or thoughtless or willful enough to wander off from the rest of us. Or do I have a personal connection with that lost sheep? Maybe I am very worried about him, and afraid something bad might have happened. In that case, I am happy to see the shepherd go off to find my friend. If I truly understand the love of the shepherd for each and every one of his flock, I can begin to understand why Jesus spent time looking for and nurturing the lost. There is no room for judgement in my heart. No one is undeserving of God’s grace.

Holy One, thank you for teaching me, each and every day. I have so much to learn. I am sorry for all of the times I have let you down. Amen

Becky, transforming

pic by Kay

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Luke 15:1-7 When I first read these verses I jokingly thought that it is better to be a sinner for some of your life because God will rejoice at your repentance. But seriously there may be some truth in that. If you never sinned how would you know the joy of feeling God’s love and forgiveness? You might also think that you don’t need God because you are perfect.

Dear Lord, thank you for making me believe that I might be welcomed into your kingdom by repenting and trying to live by your example. Amen


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