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A Daily Devotion for Tuesday, March 2

Luke 22:47-51

verse 51: But Jesus answered, “No more of this!” And he touched the man’s ear and healed him.

Judas led a crowd to Jesus, in order to betray him. One of Jesus’ followers cut off the ear of a servant of the priest in the crowd. Jesus rebuked him and healed the man’s ear. To me, Jesus seems to be stating outright he will not condone any violence on his account. How we as believers have strayed from this teaching over the last 2000 years! How many lives lost, in the name of God? How many people have been ridiculed, outcast, punished or killed because of their beliefs?

Lord, we are a broken world and have lost our way. We are your creation, and as such, each of us is precious. You taught us to love and respect one another. We can do better. Amen

Becky, transforming

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Beverly Flynn
Beverly Flynn
Mar 02, 2021

Luke 22:47-51

There are simply no secrets hidden from Jesus. Knowing full well who was to betray Him, Jesus was aware of Judas’ secret sign which would show the crowd accompanying him exactly who they were looking for to arrest. Can anyone hide in secret places so that I cannot see him?” declares the LORD. “Do not I fill heaven and earth?” declares the LORD. (Jeremiah 23:24)Nothing, absolutely nothing, is outside the realm of God’s omniscience.Jesus saids to Judas, are you betraying the son of man with a kiss. To us, a kiss is generally a sweet sign of love, and in Bible times it was an act of friendship. Yet Judas violates and abuses it. Hmmm … I won…


Mar 02, 2021

Luke 22: 47-51

I think of what is happening in our country today regarding Christianity and I see it betrayed as Judas betrayed Jesus. Jesus knew all that he was going to go through beforehand. Jesus accepted what was to come and even healed one of his accusers. God knew that this betrayal in our country would happen and he looks to us to work to make it right. I really don’t know how to do that, but I do know how to pray. I will pray that the persecution of our religious beliefs are protected and honored once more.

Dearest Lord help me to know how to help to stop this war against Christianity. Help me to be a…


Mar 02, 2021

Luke 22 47:51

I know the act of healing will be discussed by others but something else struck me about these versus. How could Judas follow Jesus for three years and be so untouched by what he saw and heard? I have attended church all my life and, though I certainly haven’t become an evangelist, I know it has made an impact on how I think and what I do. Judas evidently wasn’t impressed. Maybe like some who hear the word, he was thinking more about what he didn’t have as a follower of Jesus, the material things, than what was being promised.

Dear Lord, thank you for my life and thank you for what is to come. Amen.

Mar 02, 2021
Replying to

David- this is a great point you make, and something I have never thought about before. Why did Judas remain “in the world” and not a true follower of God?


Mar 02, 2021

Luke 22:48 - “but Jesus said to him, ‘Judas, is it with a kiss that you are betraying the Son of Man?’”

Every time Scripture is used to hurt or oppress rather than build up and nurture, the Son of Man is betrayed. The “kiss” of God’s word is a tool for peace and healing, not death and destruction.

Prayer - Jesus, let me be an instrument of Your peace. Amen


Unknown member
Mar 02, 2021

2021-0302 Tuesday, Daily Devotion - Luke 22:47-51

Luke 22:51 (NIV)

51 But Jesus answered, “No more of this!” And he touched the man’s ear and healed him.

Jesus’ healing took place with His physical touch and sometimes spiritual touch. Today’s scripture shows He healed the man with His hand. Touching whether physical or spiritual heals people. Touching is also another way of communication of the Spirit from one person to the other person or both ways. I hope and pray that all of us who read this meditation would be used to touch and heal someone by the Spirit of God.

Lord, I want to be healed by Your touch so that I may touch and heal the hearts of…

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