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A Daily Devotion for Tuesday, July 9

Psalm 119:125

I am your servant; give me discernment that I may understand your statutes.

As human beings, we always want to know more. We want to understand before we agree. But there are some things we will just not understand on our own. Before this week of readings, I think I was hoping to come across some secret key to better discernment of God’s will through scripture study. But I think the “secret” is not a secret at all. It is God’s grace and love for us which allow us to understand and grow closer to him. When God needs us to understand more, we will understand more. He will not ignore our cries for help, peace or comfort. And He will not allow us to go astray if we are walking with Him.

Lord God, hold me close to you. I want to know more; I want to learn. But I want to learn truths, and not be misled. Help me, I pray. Amen

Becky, transforming

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Psalm 119:125

Give discernment to me, your servant, then I will understand your laws.

To receive the discernment the Psalmist desires (and us) we need to stay rooted in scripture. We need to apply scripture to our daily decisions. Too often I go off on my own without first checking scripture for direction. Although scripture serves us well as we live our time here, there are still many mysteries we don’t quite understand.

Prayer: Gracious God, help me find more time to spend with your words. Amen


09 juil.

Psalm 119:125

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Tuesday, July 9th, 2024

Psalm 119:125

I am your servant; give me understanding, that I may know your statutes

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