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A Daily Devotion for Tuesday, April 27

Romans 1: 18-23

verse 21: For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.

This verse is so timeless. It describes Israel but it also describes the world, through the ages. We know God is here. He has shown us his power and his love, yet so many turn away from Him. At points in my life I turned away myself. I guess I thought I had more important things to do and think about. I knew God was there, but chose to put my energies into all kinds of other things. I am ashamed I let this happen. But God has forgiven me.

Holy Father, I am welcomed back by you each time I turn away, and you lead me back each time I am lost. That is love. Your forgiveness is love. Your grace is pure love. Thank you, Lord. Amen

Becky, transforming

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Romans 1: 18-23

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2x4 lesson 😆Now that’s old school!


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