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A Daily Devotion for Thursday, October 8th

Mark 16:15-16

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”

I worry about those who don’t believe. I have even decided God must give unbelievers a “last chance” at their final moments. This gives me a sense of comfort, yet I am certain it is not supported by scripture. But the other side of this coin is very much supported and upheld in scripture. Those who believe will be saved. This is why it is so important for me to try to help even one nonbeliever to become a believer. I just have never seemed to be able to make a difference. We know God gives us opportunities. I am likely missing many of them.

Holy Father, please don’t stop giving me opportunities to make a difference. I want to be your disciple and help to turn a non-believer to you. You have the power, please give me the opportunity. I am so thankful to you. Please give me a role in your story. Amen

Becky, transforming

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Roland Ackerman
Roland Ackerman
08 oct. 2020

I think that you can see here that the disciples received a directive from Jesus, and through it, came to the realization that Jesus was not some kind of battle warrior, ready to overthrow the Romans. That was NOT what he was about. And they knew they had work : simply, spreading the message ( being witnesses ) that Jesus had died for the sins of the world and is victorious over death !!!

Let us pray please : Holy and Giving God, we believe that Jesus is indeed the Christ, the Lamb of God. Yes, though His great sacrifice we are saved from ourselves !! We want to be good witnesses , help us LORD to be strong and…


Beverly Flynn
Beverly Flynn
08 oct. 2020

Mark 16: 15-16

I have never felt I would have the skill, experience or determination  to be a witness for Christ. What I must never forget  is Jesus was crucified died and rose from the dead and lives for me today.  As I continue to grow in a relationship with God  ,I trust that  he will give me both the opportunities and the inner strength of the Holy Spirit to tell his message plus all he has done for me. I am learning that personal   witness doesn’t require anything more than an open heart and the Word of God. I shouldn't  be disappointed if the person I might talk with isn’t immediately moved by the Holy Spirit. Just pray my  words  move…


08 oct. 2020

Mark 16: 15-16

15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

These verses have always given me concern. I know loved ones and friends who were baptized, but have given up their belief in God. I worry that in the final hour that they will not be allowed into heaven. I know I should not judge, but knowing how they feel about believing in you is worrisome. Perhaps what Tom said today is how it will go. Like the two thieves hanging on their crosses with Jesus, one was saved and one wasn’t. I…


08 oct. 2020

Mark 16:15-16

Our assignment is clear, but it is important to remember so as not to be discouraged that the results are neither in our hands nor our ultimate responsibility. As bearers of the gospel we open doors for people to seek, believe and accept the gift of salvation by faith through grace. We plant seeds. It will take others to water them and in the end, God gives the increase. The Scriptural support for Becky’s vision is in the two thieves next to Jesus on Calvary. We can come to Him with our last breath and if our heart is right with God we will be saved. One thief cursed Jesus, but the other was with Jesus that very…


Membre inconnu
08 oct. 2020

20201008 Thursday, Daily Devotion - Mark 16:15-16

Mark 16:15-16 (NIV) 15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

This is Mark’s version of John 3:16 and 18. This is the reason God chose certain people like us first. We know what is going to happen on the Last day with God’s plan. In this sense, it is an urgent and important mission for those who understand God’s plan correctly and it takes very very long for some people. But I trust what God is going to do for them through His people. What I…

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