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A Daily Devotion for Thursday, Nov. 12

Isaiah 6:8-10

verse 8: Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me.”

Verse 8 is pretty clear to me. Isaiah answered God’s call. And, he answered it before he knew what he was being asked to do. The sequence of events strike me this morning. He didn’t ask God to tell him what his purpose was, or what God expected of him. He first said, “Here am I. Send me!” If I really dig deep and imagine God in my heart sending me off on a mission, I probably would think a lot about it first, and ultimately decide whether or not to do it. That’s how I roll. I am in most circumstances an over-thinker. Granted, Isaiah was hearing the Lord’s voice. Our communications with God are not always that clear. Still, there is a lesson here for me. My heart must be fully open to God, my ears always listening for Him. And I need to be ready to say, “Send me.”

Holy Father, I will listen more closely for you, and will be ready for you. Send me, Lord. Amen

Becky, transforming

pic by Kay

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Nov 12, 2020

Roz, keeping your friend Barbara in my prayers. Praying for a quick recovery.


Nov 12, 2020

Isaiah 6: 8-10

9 He said,, “Go and tell this people: “’Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving.’

Sometimes I find myself talking with someone and belief in God comes into the conversations. I often feel that what is said goes in one ear and out the other. Hearing about God often makes people uneasy and guilty. So the conversation rate, speaking about God, often never takes place. So like Isaiah, I would like to be judged by obedience and not by the results of my conversation. Obedience to God is the fruit of the seed planted and like a seed it takes time to see the results.

Dearest Lord, help me to be obedient…


Nov 12, 2020

Sending a prayer for Barbara.


Beverly Flynn
Beverly Flynn
Nov 12, 2020

Isaiah 6:8-10

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying “whom shall I send.” and who will go for us and I said “here I am send me “

To understand more clearly, I read the entire chapter to fully grasp this message.  It just reiterates  that God chose people of ordinary standing . Isaiah was one of these people.  He did not set out to be a prophet but God had other plans for his servant. Isaiah ‘s respond to God’s calling  leaves little doubt how his encounter with God permanently affected his character. ( really, you don’t say) the more clearly Isaiah saw God , he became more aware of his own powerlessness and inadequacy to do anything…


Rosalind Spiller
Rosalind Spiller
Nov 12, 2020

Isaiah 6:8-10 I know I have never heard God’s voice actually speaking to me the way Isaiah did. I do, however, often get a “feeling” that I am supposed to do something. About a year and a half ago I visited a local assisted living facility. The moment I walked in it struck me that I would be returning and after I spoke with one of the directors, I knew I would find a way to make a difference there. Making a difference has always been important to me, not for myself but for others. I’m sure that “feeling” is God speaking. I would also like to ask each of you to pray for my friend Barbara who is curren…

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