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A Daily Devotion for Thursday, March 18

Luke 15:8-10

Verse 10: “I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”

This passage makes me think about Pastor Gil and his mission and ministry. If we live our lives intending to please God, this verse tells us clearly what pleases God. God is pleased when anyone turns from sin and turns toward Him. God wants all men to know him and to follow him and to have eternal life. My life can be a reflection of God’s dream if I pay attention to my actions. My life could ultimately lead another person to God. Even though at times this does not feel likely (when I am petty or unkind) there are more and more times when others have the chance to see God at work in me. I pray to God this morning to help those positive, Godly behaviors lead the way. Amen

Becky, transforming

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18 mars 2021

Luke 15: 8-10

Christ is earnest in bringing sinners home. The coin this woman lost was of little value and yet she searched diligently until she found it. Jesus does the same thing with us. He never lets go and he never gives up. Once we are found again Jesus rejoices. When Jesus finds us again the angels sing.

Dearest Lord, You are my Lord and Savior. I thank you every day for leading me back to you. I am forever grateful for all you do for me. You died so I could live. What a wonderful gift and act of love. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


Beverly Flynn
Beverly Flynn
18 mars 2021

Luke 15:8-10

This woman is bent over looking intently for what she has lost. The coin was precious to her - a tenth of her wealth. Jesus compares his care for us to this - he really wants us near him, faults and all. The finding of the coin seems such a simple joy. I realize that possessions and property may fade my focus on my many blessings. As I think of what is really of value, I may have to sweep and search more. Thinking of the woman in Jesus’s story, I may need to remind myself of what I really value. Lord, help me remember that I belong to you, and to act accordingly. Keep my mind from wanderi…


18 mars 2021

Luke 15:9 - “When she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin that I had lost.‘“

In this second “lost” parable, the main character calls friends and neighbors to share good news. She did not go to all that trouble only to put out the lamp and go to bed content she had all her coins. It was important to her to call others. Any person’s having been found and claimed by Christ at any age warrants celebration and a gathering of friends. When was the last time we did this?

Prayer - Jesus, lamp for the lost, help us to be diligent in looking for the…

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