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A Daily Devotion for Thursday, July 4

Hebrews 5:14

But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.

God’s word provides us with the spiritual “food” we require to grow in Christ. We learn more and grow closer and closer to God through our relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, as well. But the food of the scripture helps us to understand and grow in our ability to think and act as confident Christians. I believe this is where the gift of discernment comes from. We need to learn, through practice, to see and separate right from wrong. Sometimes this is very difficult to do. We often need to dig deep into scripture for that solid food which will lead us to better discernment.

Holy One, help me to continue to grow in wisdom, and learn to better recognize right from wrong, most importantly, in myself. I am so thankful for your Word, which leads me to you. Amen

Becky, transforming

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Hebrews 5:14

Even at 81, I know I am still in training. Although I certainly know right from wrong, I find as I study God’s word, I realize there is so much more to learn or to be reminded of. I also am concerned about where our young children are learning right from wrong. So many do not attend church or Sunday School and perhaps their parents did not also. When I see some of the things people do to others, I am afraid for the future.

Prayer: Gracious God, help me help others learn about you and your love. Amen


Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Hebrews 5:14

But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.

We cannot be content to drink spiritual milk like infants and not grow in our learning  from God’s Word. This is a scolding  to those who should be mature in their faith, mature in their understanding of God’s word, but who still drink milk like an infant in faith. I read this, and I’m compelled to pray for maturity in my life and my family and the people around me. The church that I’m part of and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.  I want to be mature in my…


Jul 04

Hebrews 5:14

From infancy, our digestive system literally needs to be trained to handle food. Someone who does not know God would handle the doctrine of the Trinity or the Resurrection the same way a six month old would handle steak and lobster. I can still remember learning Bible stories in Sunday School with Mrs. McCauley and Mrs. Cramer, then my confirmation classes with Rev. Nicholson and my Duty to God lessons with Rev. Baer. Each advance in my spiritual diet built the foundation upon which my current understanding and discernment of Scripture rests. When sharing my faith I need to be discerning as to whether to serve milk or beef Wellington.

Prayer - Bread of heaven, feed me till…

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