Isaiah 65:17-18 “Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind. But be glad and rejoice forever in what I will create, for I will create Jerusalem to be a delight and it’s people a joy.”
These words of promise are kind of confusing to me this morning. When? Where? Who is included? Is this heaven? With all of this unclear, it is difficult for me to take comfort in these words. This is where faith comes in and needs to take over my doubt.
Holy Lord, help me to have faith when I do not understand your Word. I long to have a better and clearer understanding of you. But I also know you do not intend for us to understand everything. I want to live my life for you and with you. Lead me, Lord. Amen
Becky, transforming
pic by Kay
Isaiah 65:17-18 For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind. But be glad and rejoice forever in that which I create; for behold, I create Jerusalem to be a joy, and her people to be a gladness.
Creating new heavens and a new earth is not a new saying in the Bible. It takes me back to the opening chapters of Genesis where, In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1) With each act of creation, God pronounced the creation good, but sin in Genesis 3 destroyed the good creation, nothing has been the same since. But God is going to rede…
Isaiah 65: 17-18
17 “See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind”
I wrote on this verse back in 2019, but I feel it says something different to me this time around. Our time on this earth is short and whatever tasks God may have given to me, I will need to do them now. I need to make the most of the time I have and not worry about the what ifs. I know that my life may face challenges and I may question why bad things happen, but in the end, I realize that God knows what challenges I can bear and …
Isaiah 65:17-18
The life, work and death of Jesus was part of Isaiah’s prophecy, but even though Messiah has come, Christians today remain in the tension of now and not yet. Jesus inaugurated the kingdom of God, showing through His teaching and lifestyle what we are meant to be as God’s creations. But He is coming back and His return will mark the establishment of the new heavens and new earth. This is the place John describes in his Revelation where there are no more tears, sorrow, pain or death. This is the believer’s ultimate destination and the foundation of our hope.
Prayer - God of promise, help us to be watchful and to live the lives Jesus taught until…