As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience.
When Jesus talks about a honest and good heart, I don't think he is talking about perfection, but wholeheartedness and sincerity. The Lord has much more to teach and instill within our hearts, in the days to come, and to the best of our ability, we are depending upon the Lord for these lessons. Give everything we know of ourselves to God. Than our knowledge should include, a good heart, listening to God’s word each day, remembering it and to have patience and perseverance a…
Luke 8:15. From the messageBut the seed in the good Earth – these are the good hearts who seize the word and hold on no matter what, sticking with it until there’s a harvest.We know the story well. We all hope we are the good Earth to take the seed and take good care of it. As I read many different translations, I saw patience, perseverance, endurance, and today, a very modern sticking with it. All these words do a great job of reminding us that the seed grows slowly and requires much care. I like to think that is what we Transformers trying to do – nurture the seed of the word.Prayer: Gracious God, thank you for this wonde…
Luke 8:15I enjoy gardening. I have not mastered the craft, so every year has been a bit different. Dismal failure, partial success and even abundant years when I grow more than we can eat. I can’t control the sun and the rain, but I have a part to play in preparing and maintaining the soil in which my seeds grow. Jesus tells me that my Christian walk is just like this and I must do my part to prepare my heart and mind to receive the seeds in Scripture into fertile soil to yield a bumper crop of the fruit of the Spirit.
Prayer - God of the harvest, thank You for the miracle of baskets of food from a…
Luke 8: 15 But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.
An apple tree takes time to bear fruit that you can pick and eat. Patience within my faith journey is key to my bearing the fruit of the Gospel. As a human being I have struggles and vices that I deal with every day. Some I can overcome quickly, and others may take a lifetime. I know that Jesus doesn’t expect me to bear fruit right away. I will take it day by day until I succeed. Patience with myself is the key.
Monday September 5: 2022
Luke 8:15
As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience.
When Jesus talks about a honest and good heart, I don't think he is talking about perfection, but wholeheartedness and sincerity. The Lord has much more to teach and instill within our hearts, in the days to come, and to the best of our ability, we are depending upon the Lord for these lessons. Give everything we know of ourselves to God. Than our knowledge should include, a good heart, listening to God’s word each day, remembering it and to have patience and perseverance a…
Luke 8:15. From the message But the seed in the good Earth – these are the good hearts who seize the word and hold on no matter what, sticking with it until there’s a harvest. We know the story well. We all hope we are the good Earth to take the seed and take good care of it. As I read many different translations, I saw patience, perseverance, endurance, and today, a very modern sticking with it. All these words do a great job of reminding us that the seed grows slowly and requires much care. I like to think that is what we Transformers trying to do – nurture the seed of the word. Prayer: Gracious God, thank you for this wonde…
Luke 8:15 I enjoy gardening. I have not mastered the craft, so every year has been a bit different. Dismal failure, partial success and even abundant years when I grow more than we can eat. I can’t control the sun and the rain, but I have a part to play in preparing and maintaining the soil in which my seeds grow. Jesus tells me that my Christian walk is just like this and I must do my part to prepare my heart and mind to receive the seeds in Scripture into fertile soil to yield a bumper crop of the fruit of the Spirit.
Prayer - God of the harvest, thank You for the miracle of baskets of food from a…
Luke 8: 15 But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.
An apple tree takes time to bear fruit that you can pick and eat. Patience within my faith journey is key to my bearing the fruit of the Gospel. As a human being I have struggles and vices that I deal with every day. Some I can overcome quickly, and others may take a lifetime. I know that Jesus doesn’t expect me to bear fruit right away. I will take it day by day until I succeed. Patience with myself is the key.
Dearest Lord, you know I need work.…