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A Daily Devotion for Monday, January 8

Proverbs 16:3,9

Commit to the Lord whatever you do

And he will establish your plans.

In their hearts humans plan their course,

But the Lord establishes their steps.

Consulting God in my planning and goal-setting seems easy enough, but why am I not consistently doing it? It is only the 8th of January, and I have already set at least three or four goals for the New Year. I have not spent enough time offering and discussing these goals with God. Here is another goal: plan to be more like Jesus, present goals to God, listen to the Holy Spirit.

Holy Lord, you know of my plans, and I do need your guidance. If I am acting in a way or planning something which is not your will, I hope to hear your voice correcting and directing me. Amen

Becky, transforming

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Proverbs 16:3, 8

I love planning large family events. However, on some things, I am better at planning than executing. The bigger the plan for a special birthday, anniversary, or reunion, the better. I know that even in the planning stage, I need God’s help. It’s like eating at a buffet. You overfill your plate simply because you can, but your stomach rebels and says no way! I just want the event to be memorable. I do know that in all I do and in all I plan, I need to include God.

Prayer: Gracious God, I hope all I do honors you. I know it will if I include you in my prayers and plans. Amen


08 janv.

Becky, are you sharing about scriptures related to new things? All verses are perfect fit for the current season which are very helpful to think about new opportunities upcoming in 2024! thank you for sharing timely appropriate scriptures!

08 janv.
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The themes have been fitting in nicely, lately! It’s the Holy Spirit helping me to pick a theme each week! 😇


Monday, January 8th, 2023

Proverbs 16:3,9

Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.

In his heart a man plan his course but the lord determines his steps

I love making plans. I like to visualize something and think of the different steps I believe will get the results I want. But often, my plans don’t work out the way I imagined them. Something always go wrong and pretty soon I’m left with failed plans and disappointments.

But here’s the thing about God, nothing surprises Him. Our future is laid out before Him like a path. When we submit our plans to God He knows exactly what’s going to happen and at what time. He’s  the…


08 janv.

Proverbs 16:3,9

Solomon, the wise, offers an interesting concept worth remembering for all who set goals and make plans. As long as they are aligned with God’s precepts, all is well, but it is as equally important to let the Lord establish our steps. If our goal is to move from A to Z, we must let God guide us. God’s B, C, D, etc. may not be exactly what we had in mind, but if we listen to and trust in God we will finish our journey exactly where it is best for us, best suited to our gifts and talents in each season of our lives.

Prayer - Lord, You know my goals and plans. I yield to…

08 janv.
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Yes! Amen! God provides us the best always “in each season of our lives!”

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